Gazette Scanning Project

The HCCA National Board has embarked on a major project of having every Gazette from 1938 onwards scanned (searchable) and available to members on the HCCA Web site. As I mentioned in my last Presidents Comment column, we were excited to receive the kind donation of a virtually complete set of HCCA Gazette’s from long-time member Duane Perrin.

The second phase of this project is to raise the funds to have each Gazette scanned, this will be completed in two stages. The 1st stage is the hand scanning of each Gazette from 1938 through 1946 individually, so as to keep these rarer volumes intact for future generations. The second stage is the scanning of the 1947 volumes onwards – these will be scanned automatically by a computerised process that unfortunately destroys the integrity of the original material. However, these two processes will provide members with every individual Gazette live on line and word searchable.

The project now needs approximately $5,000 to complete the scanning process. To do this we are establishing a request for donations, any donation from $10 upwards would be greatly appreciated. Donate below, or donations can be made directly to the Office by contacting National Secretary Lindsey Jackson.

Horseless Carriage Club Of America
3109 Fish Canyon Rd.
Duarte, CA 91010
(626) 287-HCCA (4222)

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