Need 5 wire wheels shipped from Easthampton/Southampton, Mass. to Ocala,Fla. or Reading, Pa. $250 for the haul. Easy money
I need five Saxon 22 inch wire wheels weighing about 10 lbs each picked up from the Easthampton/Southampton, Mass. area and brought to either my home in Ocala,Fla. or Norm Hutton’s shop in Reading, Pa. and Norm will bring to me this month. You can pickup wheels from my seller at intersection of Rt. 91 and I-90. I am 10 minutes off of I-75 in Ocala,Fla. I’d like to do it this month but February is also ok if brought to Ocala. $250 for the haul. Wheels can fit in your pickup bed, back seat or trunk. Thanks, George Albright. cell 352 843 1624 Email
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